I made payment online, but then I didn’t recieve my Energy Forms. What do I do?
First check your Spam and download folders. Also, if the transaction went through properly, you will recieve an email receipt which will also contain a link to the energy forms. If you still don’t see it, call us immediately and we will email your energy forms to you right away. We can see payments made on our end, instantly.
Will the charges ever exceed what you quoted me?
As long as the the information you provide for the quote matches the information in the permit plans, Kalos charges will not vary from what we quoted you. (Keep in mind our payment merchants charge a slight transaction fee which will be reflected on top of our quoted amount to you at time of checkout.)
How long will it take for Kalos to complete my Energy Forms?
Under most circumstances we can complete your forms within 3 business days, provided we have all of the information required to complete the forms. Once complete, you will receive an email that your forms are ready. (Orders with Manual D may take 2 to 4 additional business days).
How do I know which Manuals I need for my permit?
Go to the county website where you will be apprying for a building permit and under building permit requirements it will tell you what Energy Compliance Manuals you will need for your permit.
What do I have to do to get my forms after Kalos emails me that they’re ready?
Simple. Click on link in the email. You will be redirected to our checkout page where you can choose payent by either credit card or Paypal. After you make payment online the energy forms will automatically be made available to you in the confirmation page and email receipt. For more istructions, visit our pay & download help
What should I do if I don’t know all of the information you are asking me to provide when I upload my information?
Make note of the information you are unsure of in the ‘other project requirements’ section of the “Get Energy Forms” order form page. Once we recieve the order, we can contact you and help you provide what additional information you are unsure of.
Can you provide me with a revision even if Kalos didn’t do the original Energy Forms?
We cannot revise the original forms if performed by someone else, however we could provide you new forms from scratch.
Will you charge me for revisions to my forms?
If form revision is a result of comments made by the jurisdiction plan reviewer, then we will make corrections for you promptly at no additional charge. Otherwise, owner requested changes or construction changes we will typically require a revision fee.
What are the terms and conditions I am agreeing to when using Kalos Energy Forms?
Please see our Terms and Conditions page.
After I place my order (or quote) I never receive any notification.
There are a couple of things that can cause this. First of all, you may have not entered the correct email. If your sure that’s not the cause, check your spam mail. If the notifications are going to your spam folder, then you will need to adjust your spam filtering as necessary, to allow the files to be routed to your inbox. Also, you can select the notification once it has showed up in your spam folder and choose ‘not spam’ option in your email program in order to identify kalos as a true contact. This should route all future emails from us to your inbox.
Can I have Kalos perform just part of what is required for permit?
If you want your a/c contractor or other energy provide to provide the Manual D for your permit, Kalos can provide the Energy Compliance Forms, Manual J, and Manual S. Conversely, Kalos does not provide Manual D based on someone else’s Energy Compliance and Manual J calculations. We would need to run our own Manual J in that instance.
Does Kalos provide site visit consulations?
Kalos does not provide site visit consultations, as a result, we do not offer Manual D for partial ductwork renovations.
I couldn’t download the Energy Forms after I made Payment. What do I do?
If you recieved an email receipt, the link to the energy forms will be in the receipt. Otherwise, call us immediately. We can see if you made payment on our end and email the energy forms directly to you immediately.