How the new Florida Building Energy Codes are going to effect you $$

According to the International Code Council (ICC), on June 30th, you will be permitting all your Florida construction under the new 5th addition of the Florida Building Code. Here’s summary of the energy related changes to the code that will likely effect your cost to build:

1. More High-efficacy lighting required: now 75% instead of 50% of the lighting will have to be high efficacy (compact fluorescent or LED).
2. More stringent duct tightness testing:Leakage will need to be 3 CFM per 100 sq.ft of floor space or less – down from 4 CFM
3. More stringent air barrier checklist requirements.
4. Blower door test & mechanical ventilation: homes with blower door test of less than 5 air changes per hour will require mechanical ventilation
5. Higher prescriptive thermal performance of windows: All of Florida will required Solar Heat gain Coefficient (SHGC) of windows of 0.25 or lower (0.30 previously)
6. Improved Pipe Insulation: All refrigerant piping and hot water piping insulation must now have a min. R-value of 3 or better.